Family Immigration Italian American Gratitude Challenge

Italian-American Gratitude Challenge #3 – My Country

It is only fitting that today’s gratitude goes to my my country on this day when we are called upon to cast our vote. Whatever side you are on, it is your right and duty to vote. Of course, tensions are very high and both sides are hoping for the best possible outcome but in the end, it is a right that we have here that still today in other nations their population does not have.

Life in Italy after the Second World War was difficult. Nobody could know what life would have been had they not been brave enough to leave everything and everyone behind but we do know about the life they made here. And it was a good one. Of course things were not always so easy, as I imagine any immigrant could attest to but once they established themselves and had jobs, a house and all the necessities, things certainly got better and the generations to follow have benefited immensely from their courage.

Although Italians were not always welcomed with open arms to our country, I am grateful that over the years, this country has come to embrace all things Italian. Italian has become synonymous with high quality products, high fashion and of course, gastronomic heaven. This shift in our country’s acceptance has made it easy to be proud of my heritage. It has made it easier to connect with my culture without even needing to leave my country. Italians have come a long way and have made great advances in careers. They have created organizations like NIAF (National Italian American Foundation) which create a bridge for Americans of Italian descent and promote the culture. Italian Americans have created new businesses that aim to share and appreciate our heritage with everyone. One of these that comes to mind is Cooking with Nonna. Rossella Rago’s business brings Italian products and recipes not just to Italian-Americans but to everyone.

In short, I am so grateful that Italian culture is embraced in my country so that I can enjoy the lifestyle that I do. I will add here that I hope that other cultures and peoples could be equally accepted like this eventually. It will only enrich our country.